15 November 2009

Love Poem


Falling asleep for a moment
Your name forms upon my lips
Traveling the distance between us
Heart beat is racing and skips

Standing beside you, face to face
A mountain of words I didn't mean to say
Builds and crumbles into confessions
I can no longer hide in my chest or delay

Revealing my love for you makes me smile
This innocent feeling is painted white
Your eyes confirm what I already knew
Being with you just seems to be right

Reaching out, falling into your arms
The air is getting tighter, I'm breathless
Unveiling ornaments of secret desire
Surrendering myself for you to possess

Bodies come together as two candles
Pulling me into a long awaited kiss
Flames unite melting together as one
Flying above reaching heavenly bliss

Overcome by fatigue, drifting away
Your arms wrap around me as I sleep
Waking in my room aware of my dream
Inspired to reveal the secret I keep

11 November 2009

Mengintai dari kamar hati

Orang tua selalu pesan
Jangan ikutkan kata hati
Bak kata pepatah melayu
Ikutkan hati mati
Ikutkan rasa binasa

Memang betul orang tua cakap
Tapi bukan semua perkara x boleh ikut kata hati
Contohnya dalam kehidupan
Ibu merasa x sdap hati
Tiba-tiba memang sesuatu yang tidak diingini telah terjadi

Apa yang penting jangan hanya mengikut kehendak hati
Perlu diiringi dengan fikran yang waras dan logik
Perlu percaya dan yakin dengan keputusan yang kita buat
Percaya pada diri sendiri